Law and Justice
Presentation and Tours
Grand Jury Process

City of Stockton: Crisis In Government (Case #0123)
"In response to complaints received, the 2023-2024 Grand Jury investigated potential new Brown Act violations by members of the Stockton City Council. Previous complaints regarding the same type of violation by the City Council were also received during the 2022-2023 Grand Jury term. Because those complaints were received late in that term, they were forwarded to the 2023-2024 Grand Jury for evaluation and potential action. The 2023-2024 Grand Jury also received complaints regarding the creation of a work environment of fear within Stockton City Government. The alleged sources of that fear were created by individuals associated with 209 Times, LLC, a Social Media Platform (SMP), through e-mails, and public comments that have left city staff and elected officials continuously intimidated."

City of Tracy: Public Trust Still Not Restored (Case #0323)
"The City of Tracy has been plagued with a city council that cannot form a civil, cohesive governing body willing to set aside differences and personal agendas for the benefit of City residents. The 2018-2019 Civil Grand Jury issued a report entitled “Restore the Public Trust”. That investigation highlighted the inability of the Tracy City Council to work together cohesively, manifested by unprofessional behavior towards each other during public meetings. In addition, a consistent 3/2 voting block existed leading to the termination or forced resignation of a City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Police Chief. The unexplained departures of the City’s administrative leaders created an unstable working environment at City Hall.."
Law and Justice
Presentation and Tours
Grand Jury Process

San Joaquin County Custodial Facilities: Failing to Comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Case #0222)
"The focus of the investigation was to assess the County custodial facilities’ compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations (28 CFR Part 115) under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA)."... The Grand Jury found that the custodial facilities in the County did not have comprehensive knowledge of all PREA provisions and were not in compliance."

School Safety in San Joaquin County: Developing A Culture of Safety (Case #0322)
"The 2022‐2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury examined, through the lens of a layperson, the safety measures in place at the 14 public school districts and the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE). These safety measures are mandated by California Education Code 32280‐ 322895.5. Through multiple interviews, site visits, and expert witness testimony, the Grand Jury found while many protocols have been established in the County, there is no unified approach to school safety. Rather, safety planning often consists of a patchwork of policies and procedures and many of the Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs) required by law are boilerplate documents that are rarely specific to school sites."

Good Intentions Are Failing San Joaquin County’s At‐Risk Children (Case #0422)
"The 2022‐2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury received a citizen’s complaint alleging the At‐ Risk Youth being housed at the Mary Graham Children’s Shelter (MGCS) were either engaging in or were victims of dangerous behaviors during their stay. The behaviors included drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, physical abuse, physical altercations, inappropriate sexual activity, and leaving the facility at any time without permission. Based on this complaint, the Grand Jury investigated the policies, procedures, and standards applicable to the care of At‐Risk Youth in San Joaquin County."

The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority: A Rubik’s Cube of Water Management (Case #0622)
"Water has been a concern for all Californians since the earliest days of statehood. Years of severe drought are often followed by a superabundance of rain and snow that results in flooding. Both can be devastating, as has been the case recently in San Joaquin County. Because our State’s water supply is cyclical, the need for intelligent and efficient management of this crucial resource is vitally important for everyone."
Law and Justice
Presentation and Tours
Grand Jury Process

Stockton Unified School District: A Failing Grade in Public Trust (Case #0121)
"If the results of the Extraordinary Audit indicate financial mismanagement, misuse of funds or insolvency, the result could place SUSD in State receivership "

Cybersecurity: Local Defense Against a Global Threat (Case #0321)
"San Joaquin County is well protected regarding cybersecurity. The seven cities in the county vary with respect to Grand Jury expectations, most being well secured but lacking defined plans for Business Continuity and IT Disaster Preparedness. Cybersecurity is an evolving concern and requires ongoing efforts by government entities to remain current and vigilant against risks to their Information Systems."

Lathrop-Manteca Fire District: A Work in Progress: From Turmoil to Healing (Case #0721)
"The Lathrop-Manteca Fire District Board of Directors is taking steps toward creating an improved culture by updating policies and by defining LMFD’s mission, vision and values. The District improvement process is a work in progress. The Board acknowledges that the District will need more time to heal and restore trust following the turmoil and upheaval created under previous management. The Board employed a third party to conduct the search and screening process for hiring the permanent Fire Chief. The Board believes that the selection of a new Chief is a critical decision that must be done correctly if the Lathrop-Manteca Fire District is to move in a positive and effective direction. "

San Joaquin County: A Fragmented COVID-19 Response (Case #0120)
"The public health needs of the County’s residents were not met in a timely manner during this unprecedented public health emergency."

Independent Special Districts: Transparency "Not Found" (Case #0220)
"...the workings of these districts are often difficult for the public to access, and, for the most part, “not found”"

City of Manteca: A City Government in Turmoil (Case #0320)
"Overall lack of leadership from the council and inexperience in the city manager’s office created the dysfunctional administration that is struggling to effectively manage city operations."

Stockton Unified School District Board of Education: Dissension, Dismay, and Disarray (Case #0620)
"...the trustees have failed, and will continue to fail, to effectively lead the district."

Homelessness in SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY - Building on a Foundation: Collaboration and Communication (Case # 0119)
"San Joaquin County, under the current Board of Supervisors, is leading the way in pursuing solutions to homelessness in the County. "

Illegal Dumping: Talking Trash (Case # 0519}
"Unsightly trash on roadways, waterways, alleys, vacant lots, rural lands, and unincorporated areas results in decreased property values and can be harmful to the environment."

SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Office of the Public Defender: Conflict, Mistrust, Lawsuits - A Perfect Storm (Case # 0819)
"The San Joaquin County 2019-2020 Grand Jury investigated the disproportionally high number of internal complaints filed against the Office of the Public Defender."

San Joaquin County Parks and Recreation: Budget Challenges and Matters of Trust (Case # 0118)
"The San Joaquin County park system is a treasure for the enjoyment of all the citizens of the County. "

Micke Grove Zoo: Honoring the Past, Securing the Future (Case # 0218)
"The San Joaquin County 2018-2019 Civil Grand Jury investigated the current operations at Micke Grove Zoo after receiving complaints alleging inadequate staffing and funding."

Cold Cases in San Joaquin County: On the Back Burner (Case # 0318)
"There are more than 500 cold case homicides in San Joaquin County, including at least 12 homicide victims whose remains have never been positively identified."

Tracy City Council: Restore the Public Trust (Case #0418)
"The City Council of San Joaquin County’s second largest city was the target of multiple complaints that warranted the attention of the Grand Jury."

French Camp McKinley Fire District: A District in Disarray (Case # 0518)
"The Grand Jury found an excessive number of grievances and lawsuits filed against the District, high employee turnover, a lack of policies and procedures, and ineffective Board oversight."