A voice for accountability in government in support of the civil grand jury

through advocacy, education and communication.

San Joaquin County Custodial Facilities: Failing to Comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Case# 0222)

The focus of the investigation was to assess the County custodial facilities’ compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations (28 CFR Part 115) under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA)... The Grand Jury found that the custodial facilities in the County did not have comprehensive knowledge of all PREA provisions and were not in compliance.

School Safety in San Joaquin County: Developing a Culture of Safety (Case #0322)

The 2022‐2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury examined, through the lens of a layperson, the safety measures in place at the 14 public school districts and the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE). These safety measures are mandated by California Education Code 32280‐ 322895.5. Through multiple interviews, site visits, and expert witness testimony, the Grand Jury found while many protocols have been established in the County, there is no unified approach to school safety. Rather, safety planning often consists of a patchwork of policies and procedures and many of the Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs) required by law are boilerplate documents that are rarely specific to school sites.

Good Intentions Are Failing San Joaquin County’s At‐Risk Children

The 2022‐2023 San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury received a citizen’s complaint alleging the At‐ Risk Youth being housed at the Mary Graham Children’s Shelter (MGCS) were either engaging in or were victims of dangerous behaviors during their stay. The behaviors included drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, physical abuse, physical altercations, inappropriate sexual activity, and leaving the facility at any time without permission. Based on this complaint, the Grand Jury investigated the policies, procedures, and standards applicable to the care of At‐Risk Youth in San Joaquin County.

The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority: A Rubik’s Cube of Water Management (Case #0622)

Water has been a concern for all Californians since the earliest days of statehood. Years of severe drought are often followed by a superabundance of rain and snow that results in flooding. Both can be devastating, as has been the case recently in San Joaquin County. Because our State’s water supply is cyclical, the need for intelligent and efficient management of this crucial resource is vitally important for everyone.

I learned so much about San Joaquin County. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve with an intelligent, professional, and committed group of people. I have made friends, and I have learned SO MUCH!

From the “Reflections” section of the San Joaquin County Grand Jury Final Report 2020-2021.

To be selected as part of the San Joaquin County Grand Jury was both a surprise and an honor. I was blessed to serve with some of the smartest and intelligent people that I have known. This association became not only a working relationship but also a family-type group.

It has been a year of adventure — learning new things, visiting new places, getting to know new people. There should be a college credit in civics for what we have learned about government.

From the “Reflections” section of the San Joaquin County Grand Jury Final Report 2019-2020.

I have really enjoyed my Grand Jury experience. The camaraderie and collaboration with intelligent adults from different careers have been one of the highlights. Robust discussions often occurred leading to an eventual consensus. The knowledge I gained throughout the investigations has led to an increased awareness and understanding about human nature, business, and local politics.

The Civil Grand Jury is comprised of 19 citizens who are impaneled annually for a one-year term.  The Grand Jury has a separate and different function than that of a trial jury and does not hear cases in a courtroom.  Instead, Grand Jurors examine and investigate local governmental activities within San Joaquin County.


The current practice in San Joaquin County is that jurors are chosen by lottery from a pool of qualified volunteers. Volunteer now!

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