A voice for accountability in government in support of the civil grand jury

through advocacy, education and communication.

City of Stockton: Crisis In Government (Case #0123)

"In response to complaints received, the 2023-2024 Grand Jury investigated potential new Brown Act violations by members of the Stockton City Council. Previous complaints regarding the same type of violation by the City Council were also received during the 2022-2023 Grand Jury term. Because those complaints were received late in that term, they were forwarded to the 2023-2024 Grand Jury for evaluation and potential action. The 2023-2024 Grand Jury also received complaints regarding the creation of a work environment of fear within Stockton City Government. The alleged sources of that fear were created by individuals associated with 209 Times, LLC, a Social Media Platform (SMP), through e-mails, and public comments that have left city staff and elected officials continuously intimidated."

City of Tracy: Public Trust Still Not Restored (Case #0323)

"The City of Tracy has been plagued with a city council that cannot form a civil, cohesive governing body willing to set aside differences and personal agendas for the benefit of City residents. The 2018-2019 Civil Grand Jury issued a report entitled “Restore the Public Trust”. That investigation highlighted the inability of the Tracy City Council to work together cohesively, manifested by unprofessional behavior towards each other during public meetings. In addition, a consistent 3/2 voting block existed leading to the termination or forced resignation of a City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Police Chief. The unexplained departures of the City’s administrative leaders created an unstable working environment at City Hall.."

I learned so much about San Joaquin County. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve with an intelligent, professional, and committed group of people. I have made friends, and I have learned SO MUCH!

From the “Reflections” section of the San Joaquin County Grand Jury Final Report 2020-2021.

To be selected as part of the San Joaquin County Grand Jury was both a surprise and an honor. I was blessed to serve with some of the smartest and intelligent people that I have known. This association became not only a working relationship but also a family-type group.

It has been a year of adventure — learning new things, visiting new places, getting to know new people. There should be a college credit in civics for what we have learned about government.

From the “Reflections” section of the San Joaquin County Grand Jury Final Report 2019-2020.

I have really enjoyed my Grand Jury experience. The camaraderie and collaboration with intelligent adults from different careers have been one of the highlights. Robust discussions often occurred leading to an eventual consensus. The knowledge I gained throughout the investigations has led to an increased awareness and understanding about human nature, business, and local politics.

The Civil Grand Jury is comprised of 19 citizens who are impaneled annually for a one-year term.  The Grand Jury has a separate and different function than that of a trial jury and does not hear cases in a courtroom.  Instead, Grand Jurors examine and investigate local governmental activities within San Joaquin County.


The current practice in San Joaquin County is that jurors are chosen by lottery from a pool of qualified volunteers. Volunteer now!

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